It's all about love 2004-10-29 2:12 p.m. I love this crazy tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful beautiful life.

Okay, the list. I'm going to type this out, just the way it's written. It looses effect if I edit it out. I'll put my list first, and then his. Anything in italics is our comments about them.....

Things I like about Me:

*My nose. It's cute! You do have a cute nose. It points up at the end, but it's not big at all! Ouch! Don't hit me!

*My eyes. I love the green in them. Give it up. Your eyes are brown.

*My hands. They're small, and my pinkies are slightly bent. It's a family trait. You do have great hands. Especially for back rubs.

*I like to laugh.

*I love my friends.

*I adore my daughter.

*I'm not afraid to make funny faces! There's the understatement of the year!

*I don't like doing things like this. They make me uncomfortable. You should love talking about yourself. There's so much to say.Cayle is full of crap. If there's so much to say, then it's your turn, because I'm out of things to say!

Things I love about Meg:

*Her eyes. They're brown even though she say's they're green. But they're always very expressive. You know what she's thinking just by looking in her eyes. They're green. And you're sweet.

*Her laugh. Don't get me started on this girls laugh. When she gets going, you'll think Julia Roberts is in the room. It's loud and contagious in ways unmatched by anyone else in the world. Whatever. *rolls eyes*

*Her hands. She bites her nails, but tries to hide it by only biting the edges of them. She tries to not do it by always keeping them very short so she's not tempted. I don't bite my nails. I stopped that years ago.

*Her mouth. When she smiles, really smiles, you have to smile back. If you don't, she'll stick her tongue out at you, and that just makes her laugh, and then you have to laugh, and it's all a vicious cycle. She also bites the right corner of her bottom lip when she's thinking about things..... just like right now. Okay, he's right about this one....

*She always has time for her friends. If you need her at all, for anything, no matter what you've done, she's there. Day, night, it doesn't matter, she'll never turn you down. It's her curse really.

*She does more work in this community than most people realize. She's always willing to help out with March of Dimes or UnitedWay. She gives her time and money to endless charities. But what truely amazes me is how much she loves doing all of it. She complains about the meetings, and how much time it takes from her "real job" but I think this work is her "real job", and I know deep down, she loves it with every part of her being.

*She's helpless. No I'm not!! Not in the "I can't do anything for myself sense". More in the "I don't think I can do anything for myself, and then when I do, I'm completely amazed" sense.

*She makes the funniest faces. She'll stick her tongue out at you, she'll make funny eyes. Oh, and the one where she sticks her tongue out to the side and rolls her eyes up in the other direction... that's the best. That one even makes me laugh!

*She loves like no other. She has a love for everyone around her that no one else can even imagine. She loves even the people who've hurt her most, and mostly the people who don't deserve it.

*She can't change a tire. The first time I met Meg she was stranded on I-40 with a flat tire. She'd gotten out the spare, the jack, and the tire iron, and was standing there staring at it all on the side of the road. I had to stop, it was too pittiful. She took me out to dinner that night, and the rest is history. Ugh. I hate that story.

*She can drive a 5-speed. And does daily. When asked if she'd rather have an automatic, she'll say "no" without hesitation. She's so proud of herself for learning how to drive her little car. I am very proud of that! Not everyone can do it!

*You always know where you stand with her. There will never be a doubt in your mind where you stand with Meg. If she loves you, she'll tell you. If she's mad at you, she'll let you know. If she thinks you're an idiot, she'll ignore you. *this is me ignoring Cayle*

*She smart. She doesn't think she is. And granted, she doesn't know a lot about politics, the economy, or even goverment in general but the way she asks her questions when she doesn't know something shows her intelligence. And don't even get her started on math or anything having to do with literature or english... she'll out do you almost every time, and love every minute of it. I'm not smart, I'm well spoken.

*Her voice. Not only when she sings, which, if you've never heard her, you should make it a point to. But when she talks to you, you melt into the words. She's soothing, she's gentle, and she's quiet.

*She can't cook. At all. Bless her, she tries. Like tonight, but it always ends up awful, and she ends up crying. She can make a hell of a cheese cake from scratch, and great brownies. Mmmm... Cheese cake. I'm going to have to marry a man who can cook. Cayle's a very good cook.

*She doesn't think there's anything good about her. I know this isn't something I should love about her, but rather try to teach her to change. But I love it because it's who she is, yet she knows she needs to work on it. It also means she's not egotystical. She doesn't think she's the best thing on the face of this planet, and frankly, her humbleness, is my favorite thing about her. Awww! Cayle loves me!

Things Kelly (big sis) loves about Meg:

*Your sense of humor. I don't think I'm funny at all!

*Your zest for life. Zestfully clean!

*The way you love your daughter. I can't even begin to express the love I have for my daughter.

*The way you express yourself. This one makes me laugh... in a good way. I tend to just let the words fly. It's not a thought process with me most of the time.

*I love that you're my friend. Trust me, the pleasure is mine.

Missspunk - 2004-10-29 17:26:31
It does my heart good toread allthose things about you. Im glad you posted it. After the past couple weeks you have had I hope you dicussed these with your friend and you believe them. Hell I've never met you and I believe them. They were all positive and Im glad you can see that about yourself. Hugs
It's all about love �does the shoe fit you now�

Hey hey, Cinderella, what's the story all about
I got a funny feeling we missed a page or two somehow
Ohh-ohhhh, Cinderella, maybe you could help us out
Does the shoe fit you now

Through the years and the kids and the jobs
And the dreams that lost their way
Do you ever stop and wonder
Do you ever just wanna say

Hey hey, Cinderella, what's the story all about
I got a funny feeling we missed a page or two somehow
Ohh-ohhhh, Cinderella, maybe you could help us out
Does the shoe fit you now

We're older but no more the wise
We've learned the art of compromise
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
And sometimes we just break down

-- suzy bogguss --

It's all about love
2004-10-29 @ 2:12 p.m.

I love this crazy tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful beautiful life.

Okay, the list. I'm going to type this out, just the way it's written. It looses effect if I edit it out. I'll put my list first, and then his. Anything in italics is our comments about them.....

Things I like about Me:

*My nose. It's cute! You do have a cute nose. It points up at the end, but it's not big at all! Ouch! Don't hit me!

*My eyes. I love the green in them. Give it up. Your eyes are brown.

*My hands. They're small, and my pinkies are slightly bent. It's a family trait. You do have great hands. Especially for back rubs.

*I like to laugh.

*I love my friends.

*I adore my daughter.

*I'm not afraid to make funny faces! There's the understatement of the year!

*I don't like doing things like this. They make me uncomfortable. You should love talking about yourself. There's so much to say.Cayle is full of crap. If there's so much to say, then it's your turn, because I'm out of things to say!

Things I love about Meg:

*Her eyes. They're brown even though she say's they're green. But they're always very expressive. You know what she's thinking just by looking in her eyes. They're green. And you're sweet.

*Her laugh. Don't get me started on this girls laugh. When she gets going, you'll think Julia Roberts is in the room. It's loud and contagious in ways unmatched by anyone else in the world. Whatever. *rolls eyes*

*Her hands. She bites her nails, but tries to hide it by only biting the edges of them. She tries to not do it by always keeping them very short so she's not tempted. I don't bite my nails. I stopped that years ago.

*Her mouth. When she smiles, really smiles, you have to smile back. If you don't, she'll stick her tongue out at you, and that just makes her laugh, and then you have to laugh, and it's all a vicious cycle. She also bites the right corner of her bottom lip when she's thinking about things..... just like right now. Okay, he's right about this one....

*She always has time for her friends. If you need her at all, for anything, no matter what you've done, she's there. Day, night, it doesn't matter, she'll never turn you down. It's her curse really.

*She does more work in this community than most people realize. She's always willing to help out with March of Dimes or UnitedWay. She gives her time and money to endless charities. But what truely amazes me is how much she loves doing all of it. She complains about the meetings, and how much time it takes from her "real job" but I think this work is her "real job", and I know deep down, she loves it with every part of her being.

*She's helpless. No I'm not!! Not in the "I can't do anything for myself sense". More in the "I don't think I can do anything for myself, and then when I do, I'm completely amazed" sense.

*She makes the funniest faces. She'll stick her tongue out at you, she'll make funny eyes. Oh, and the one where she sticks her tongue out to the side and rolls her eyes up in the other direction... that's the best. That one even makes me laugh!

*She loves like no other. She has a love for everyone around her that no one else can even imagine. She loves even the people who've hurt her most, and mostly the people who don't deserve it.

*She can't change a tire. The first time I met Meg she was stranded on I-40 with a flat tire. She'd gotten out the spare, the jack, and the tire iron, and was standing there staring at it all on the side of the road. I had to stop, it was too pittiful. She took me out to dinner that night, and the rest is history. Ugh. I hate that story.

*She can drive a 5-speed. And does daily. When asked if she'd rather have an automatic, she'll say "no" without hesitation. She's so proud of herself for learning how to drive her little car. I am very proud of that! Not everyone can do it!

*You always know where you stand with her. There will never be a doubt in your mind where you stand with Meg. If she loves you, she'll tell you. If she's mad at you, she'll let you know. If she thinks you're an idiot, she'll ignore you. *this is me ignoring Cayle*

*She smart. She doesn't think she is. And granted, she doesn't know a lot about politics, the economy, or even goverment in general but the way she asks her questions when she doesn't know something shows her intelligence. And don't even get her started on math or anything having to do with literature or english... she'll out do you almost every time, and love every minute of it. I'm not smart, I'm well spoken.

*Her voice. Not only when she sings, which, if you've never heard her, you should make it a point to. But when she talks to you, you melt into the words. She's soothing, she's gentle, and she's quiet.

*She can't cook. At all. Bless her, she tries. Like tonight, but it always ends up awful, and she ends up crying. She can make a hell of a cheese cake from scratch, and great brownies. Mmmm... Cheese cake. I'm going to have to marry a man who can cook. Cayle's a very good cook.

*She doesn't think there's anything good about her. I know this isn't something I should love about her, but rather try to teach her to change. But I love it because it's who she is, yet she knows she needs to work on it. It also means she's not egotystical. She doesn't think she's the best thing on the face of this planet, and frankly, her humbleness, is my favorite thing about her. Awww! Cayle loves me!

Things Kelly (big sis) loves about Meg:

*Your sense of humor. I don't think I'm funny at all!

*Your zest for life. Zestfully clean!

*The way you love your daughter. I can't even begin to express the love I have for my daughter.

*The way you express yourself. This one makes me laugh... in a good way. I tend to just let the words fly. It's not a thought process with me most of the time.

*I love that you're my friend. Trust me, the pleasure is mine.

yesterday || tomorrow

Brief - 2007-07-05
Ketchup - 2007-06-23
- - 2006-04-03
Links - 2006-03-05
The End - 2005-10-24

all content copyright shewhowalks 2005



